Pure Polymer Solutions utilizes and develops a wide variety of products for the oil and gas market-place. We provide a full line of environmentally-friendly chemistries that leads the industry in performance for the separation of oil and water for a verity of applications. These unique chemistries reduce overall application cost, improve efficiencies and are less toxic to the environment.

Aggregate Wash
Project :
An aggregate mine in western Washington was dissatisfied with the performance of their process water treatment system. The system, using an emulsified PAM flocculant in a solids clarifier, was expensive and resulted in poor quality effluent. Superfine silt and clay particles were not being bond by the flocculant and passing through the filters. Increased flocculant dosing, in an attempt to remedy the issue, only caused additional problems including sending out product that is off-spec.
Solution :
Engineers worked with the company to optimize their system. With extensive testing, it was determined that adding a natural flocculant, PPS-1000, achieved a better overall performance.
Results :
The PPS-1000 is able to coagulate the fine particulates so they can be captured in the clarifier. In addition to greater clarity, the new treatment process using PPS-1000 decreases operational costs by nearly 50%. Additionally, the new chemistry is monomer free and 100% degradable green technology.
Industrial Wastewater
Pure Polymer Solutions was contracted to find a treatment solution for an industrial wastewater customer that had to meet two criteria; Reduce TSS at outfall of the system and find one bio-polymer that could replace their current two step treatment process.
After extensive testing we found that our PPS-1000 plant based polymer would accomplish both of our customer’s needs. The wastewater department was able to reduce their TSS level to an average of 8 at the outfall of the clarifiers. As an added bonus, our customer was able to cut their treatment cost by 40%
Mining & Mineral Processing
Project :
Process water is used in industrial plants, industrial processes and production facilities following extensive water pretreatment such as softening or demineralizing. The objective of treatment to process water is to be able to recycle the water for reuse and feedback into the industrial process. Process water created from the mining and mineral processing industry is commonly contaminated with suspended solids, metals, acids and salts.
Solution :
Water treated: Wash water, effluent and run-off, heavy solids, clays, and biomaterials.
Chemistry used: PPS-1000 @ 4-10 ppm
Chemistry replaced: polyDADMAC @ 20-35ppm
Results :
The use of PPS-1000 resulted in significantly faster settling time and reduced sludge volume. The lower dose requirement reduced
overall treatment cost by 10%. PPS-1000 is able to coagulate tough-to-treat clay and produced larger and denser floc particles, resulting in increased water clarity and color removal (from clays).
Product Inquiries :
Consult with your Pure Polymer Solutions representative for additional information and to develop a regime for optimum results.
3602 South 78th Street Tampa, Florida 33619
Office: 813.374.2457
Fax: 813.443.5034